Nov 30, 2013
Congrats to Paul Alan of Charlottetown, PEI, who won a fabulous SuperTooth Disco soundbar for his concert story.
The post Best Concert Story EVER Winner! appeared first on The Geeks and Beats Podcast with Alan Cross and Michael...
Nov 30, 2013 When it became known that Ryerson University had no intention of honouring its commitment to rehang the Sam the Record Man signs after the City of Toronto gave them a great deal on the corner of Yonge and Gould where they once stood, music...
Nov 27, 2013
Livin’ on a Viral Video: Jon Bon Jovi’s New Jersey Anthem is back on the charts after 26 years. Also back? The Sam the Record Man Sign. We’ll speak to the son of the man behind Canada’s music industry icon. 50 years of Companions, Daleks and the music of Doctor Who. We’ll pull out a sonic screwdriver […]
Nov 20, 2013
The Love Boat — not for atheists? The Captain of the television show classic makes a hard turn to starboard. Nothing says Christmas quite like AC/DC. Why British bookies are placing the odds of a holiday to hell at 3 to 1. Microsoft’s new XBox is X-Rated? We’ll tell you why you might want to […]
Nov 13, 2013
$300 could turn your next party into the worst party ever — or the best, depending on your opinion of Karaoke. We’ll introduce you to Singtrix. Here’s a cool idea for Google Glass: Watch the orchestra from the perspective of the Conductor (there’s a problem with that, but a sexy Cornell professor has a...