Jan 29, 2014
The little man Steve Jobs wanted to hide in every Macintosh. We’ll look back at the iconic computer and look ahead to a world where Apple rivals American Express. The world’s first twitter libel lawsuit. We’ll tell you how Alan got Courtney Love Off. How big is too big for the palm of your hand? We’ll look at...
Jan 22, 2014
How much money can a mega hit make? That depends on whether or not you’re playing the saxophone. The Best Driving Song Ever. We’ll reluctantly run down the list and throw in the worst driving song for good measure. Will you genuflect at the altar of Kanye West? There’s now a church in his name. Waking up five...
Jan 15, 2014
The self-parking, auto-braking, connected car. We’ll tell you why the future is closer than you might think. More streaming music services are coming – including one from Doctor Dre. And I’ll tell you about my experience running into 50 Cent’s entourage. In this week’s Ask Alan Anything: the most successful...
Jan 8, 2014
The World's Most Popular Podcast(tm) broadcasts LIVE from the floor of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, baby, Vegas! This week Michael reports on an Internet connected toothbrush and Alan bristles (get it? Hah!), tries on a dog collar that beams health data to your vet, and learns why germ killing Gorilla...
Jan 4, 2014
Keeping that New Year's Resolution to get fit is the most likely promise to yourself you're going to break in 2014. So why not turn to the Canadian fitness power couple most likely to keep you on track?
The post Hal Johnson of Body Break appeared first on The Geeks and Beats Podcast with Alan Cross and Michael...