Apr 29, 2020
A blessing in disguise? Cardi B is suffering a 17% drop in online streaming amid COVID-19. But are we really turning to radio as we WFM? Zack Zalon of Super HiFi joins Alan and Michael to discuss the intersection of old media and new while the pair bicker like the Costanzas over the idea that anyone would turn on...
Apr 22, 2020
How does a car company switch to producing ventilators in the age of COVID-19? Flavio Volpe, President of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association (APMA) joins us to talk about marshalling his members to convert production lines from making car parts to medical equipment. Plus, Volpe’s choice of bitchin’...
Apr 15, 2020
It’s 1985, you just bought this bitchin’ IROC-Z. What’s the first song you play as you drive off? We put that to the listeners and came up with #possiblyfakefacts about each entry then turned the tables on Alan Cross to see if he could tell if we faked it. Plus: Canadians have gone sex-gadget crazy […]
Apr 1, 2020
Nobody cares about audio until they can’t hear it. But when it comes to VR, what makes the virtual real is as much the sound as the three dimensions around you. Overworld XR founder Jonathan Rowden joins us in self-isolation at his home studio to talk about sound engineering in 3D as Michael goes on […]